Sunday 25 April 2021

World Health Day 2021

World Health Day 2021 ~ Building a fairer, healthier world

As COVID-19 has highlighted, some people are able to live healthier lives and have better access to health services than others - entirely due to the conditions in which they are born, grow, live, work and age.

All over the world, some groups struggle to make ends meet with little daily income, have poorer housing conditions and education, fewer employment opportunities, experience greater gender inequality, and have little or no access to safe environments, clean water and air, food security and health services. This leads to unnecessary suffering, avoidable illness, and premature death. And it harms our societies and economies.

COVID-19 has hit all countries hard, but its impact has been harshest on those communities which were already vulnerable, who are more exposed to the disease, less likely to have access to quality health care services and more likely to experience adverse consequences as a result of measures implemented to contain the pandemic.

This is key to meeting today’s challenges of ensuring Health for All and to building the resilience of tomorrow. Community Outreach Health Interventions by Trinity Care Foundations during the pandemic in rural Karnataka. 

The needs of the hour is Collaboration with Government Systems. In Karnataka state, India, Trinity Care Foundation supports;

  1.  Safety of Medical Professionals & Healthcare Staff
  2.  Infrastructure at Government Healthcare facilities
  3. Community Health Programs
  4. COVID19 Outreach Program

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