Sunday, 31 May 2015

Goals of the World No Tobacco Day 2015 campaign

For World No Tobacco Day 2015, we are calling on countries to work together to end the illicit trade of tobacco products. The goals of the 2015 campaign:

1. Raise awareness on the harm to health caused by tobacco products

Raise awareness on the harm to people’s health caused by the illicit trade in tobacco products, especially the youth and low-income groups, due to the increased accessibility and affordability of these products due to their lower costs.

2. Show how health warnings are undermined

Show how health care gains and programmes, tobacco control policies, like increased tax and prices, pictorial health warnings and other measures are undermined by the illicit trade in tobacco products.

3. Demonstrate the illicit trade of tobacco products

Demonstrate how the tobacco industry has been involved in the illicit trade of tobacco products.

4. Show how criminal groups profit

Highlight how the illicit trade of tobacco products is a means of amassing great wealth for criminal groups to finance other organised crime activities, including drugs, human and arms trafficking, as well as terrorism.

5. Promote the "Protocol to eliminate illicit trade in tobacco products"

Promote the ratification of, accession to and use of the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products by all Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) and its early entry into force through the active involvement of all relevant stakeholders.

More on World No Tobacco Day 2015 :

Thursday, 28 May 2015

3D printing technique used to help treat Type 1 diabetes

Researchers have explored how 3D printing can be used to help treat Type 1 diabetes.

The 3D printing technique, known as bioplotting, has taken researchers a step closer to being able to help patients who experience severe hypoglycaemic (low blood sugar) situation.

The paper describes how clusters of specialised cells responsible for the production of insulin and glucagon in the pancreas have successfully been 3D printed into a scaffold.

It is hoped that the scaffolds can be transplanted into patients with Type 1 diabetes to help regulate blood sugar levels and avoid dangerous low blood sugar events.

Islet cells, also called Islets of Langerhans, are clusters of pancreatic cells that sense blood sugar levels and release insulin to maintain normal levels.

“Our results showed that once the islet cells were retrieved from the 3D scaffolds in the lab, they were able to produce insulin and respond to glucose in the same way as non-printed islet cells,” said van Apeldoorn from the University of Twente in the Netherlands and co-author of the study.

In their study, the group of researchers sought to increase the success of islet transplantation by creating bio-engineered scaffolds to help deliver the transplanted islet cells into patients, ensuring the cells are protected and fully functioning when placed at the donor site.

The scaffolds also ensured that the islet cells would not migrate uncontrollably through the body once transplanted into the donor site.The results appeared in the journal Biofabrication.

Source : The Hindu

Friday, 22 May 2015

Anti- microbial resistance

India has said the issue of anti- microbial resistance (AMR) should be seen holistically as a "development challenge" instead of interpreting it narrowly as a health security risk.

"We believe that AMR should be seen from a broader perspective as a development challenge rather than limiting it to a health security risk," Dr E Vishnu Vardhan Reddy, Second Secretary at the Permanent Mission of India to the UN said here during a debate on the draft global action plan on AMR at the 68th World Health Assembly (WHA).

"Emphasis should be on raising awareness, infection prevention, promoting rational use of antibiotics and addressing the needs of developing countries in strengthening access to health care facilities, promoting availability and affordability of existing and new antibiotics, diagnostics and vaccines," he said highlighting India's position on the AMR issue.

Developing countries and health activists have been concerned about resources for implementing AMR plans particularly, affordable and point of care diagnostics to inform health practitioners and veterinarians of the susceptibility of pathogens to available antibiotics.

The draft in its current form emphasises surveillance but does not mention any financial commitment crucial for developing countries to implement the plans, developing countries and health activists have argued.

AMR can develop in human and animal health as well as through food and agriculture sectors.

WHO has warned of a "post-antibiotic era" where common infections could become difficult to treat due to the overuse or misuse of antibiotics and other microbial medicines.

All member states are expected to have in place within two years of the endorsement of the draft action plan by WHA, national action plans on AMR aligned with the global plan.

Reddy also pointed out that there is not only a need to accelerate research and development for new antibiotics since no new class of antibiotics has been developed in the last 30 years but also for the global health body to ensure the affordability of new antibiotics.

In May 2014, the 67th WHA had adopted a resolution to draft a global action plan to combat anti-microbial resistance, including antibiotic resistance, to be submitted in this WHA.

Source: Business Standard (PTI)

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Pain relievers - handy chart ( Ibuprofen Vs. Acetaminophen )

This Chart Shows When You Should Use Ibuprofen Vs. Acetaminophen

Not all pain relievers are created equal. Ibuprofen (Advil) and Acetaminophen (Tylenol) have different effects on the body. This handy chart can quickly tell you which one to use for which purposes, and when to avoid them.
The Wall Street Journal has put together this handy chart that details which types of ailments that these two medicines are most effective at fighting. It also shows what their side effects are and what the long-term risks of excessive use are. For minor pains, this can quickly tell you which one you need. However, if you're worried about longer-term health risks based on your usage, always be sure to double-check with your doctor.
Advil vs. Tylenol. Which to Use, and When | Wall Street Journal

ICAI issues norms for CSR accounting

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India ( ICAI) recently issued a guidance note which will help India Inc in accounting for its corporate social responsibility (CSR) expenses.

To ensure transparent financial reporting, this guidance note requires the company to debit (charge) its profit and loss account (P&L a/c) with the CSR expenses incurred by it during the year. Further, such expenses are to be shown as a separate line item in the P&L a/c.

"The guidance note by calling for a debit to the P&L a/c of the CSR expenditure rightly puts to rest an ongoing debate as to whether such expenditure could have been adjusted as an appropriation from reserves," says Sumit Seth, partner, PriceWaterhouse.

Further, ICAI's guidance note has also addressed issues of a shortfall by a company in meeting with the minimum CSR expenditure criteria and also those instances where a company has spent more than the minimum requirement.

"ICAI's guidance note is clear and easy to implement. It has stayed with the letter and the spirit of the legal provisions. India Inc was facing many doubts in accounting for CSR expenses, as India is the first country in the world that mandates CSR expense," says Shailesh Haribhakti, group chairman, DH Consultants.
The legal obligation to comply with CSR norms kicked in as of April 1, 2014. Such expenses will reflect for the first time in the financial statements of India Inc as of March 31, 2015 which are currently under finalization and audit.

Companies meeting certain financial criteria such as a net worth, turnover or net profit of at least Rs 500 crore, Rs 1,000 crore and Rs 5 crore respectively have to comply with CSR norms. Such companies have to spend in each financial year 'at least' 2% of the average net profits made during the previous three financial years towards eligible CSR activities.

According to an EY report, nearly 8,000 companies are impacted by the CSR norms. Sachin Pilot, former minister of corporate affairs, under whose aegis the new Companies Act containing the CSR norms was ushered in, had said CSR spend by India Inc could aggregate to Rs 15,000-20,000 crore in a year.

There can be scenarios where a company spends more or less than the minimum 2% criteria. ICAI's guidance note states that the Companies Act requires the board of directors of a company to specify the reasons for not meeting with the CSR obligations. In light of this, if there is any shortfall, no provision is required to be made in the profit and loss account of the company. For instance, if the 2% criteria required a CSR spend of at least Rs 50 lakh, but the company spends only Rs 40 lakh during the year, the difference of Rs 10 lakh need not be provided in its profit and loss statement. A provision would have reduced the book profits of the company. However, the directors will be required to state in their report the reasons for such shortfall.

ICAI's guidance note also looks at a scenario when a company spends more than the minimum requirement. The issue in this scenario was whether the excess amount of CSR spent can be carried forward to be adjusted against amounts to be spent on CSR activities in the future. To illustrate, if a company spent Rs 60 lakh, instead of the minimum required Rs 50 lakh, could this excess Rs 10 lakh be carried forward and adjusted against next year's CSR required expenditure? ICAI's guidance note has clarified that, since "2% of the average net profits of immediately preceding three years is the 'minimum' amount which is required to be spent under section 135(5) of the Companies Act, the excess amount cannot be carried forward for any future adjustment".

Haribhakti adds, "The approach suggested in the guidance note of not carrying forward excess expenditure and for not providing for shortfalls in a particular year are justified. This is also the intent of the law makers to let market and peer pressure work."

ICAI's guidance note has also illustrated that, in some cases, the CSR expenditure could result in creation of a tangible asset — say a school building. Invariably, the future economic benefit from a 'CSR asset' would not flow to a company, thus even the expenditure towards creation of an asset should be charged to the P&L a/c (and not capitalized in the balance sheet), clarifies the guidance note.

If a company, as part of its CSR activities, supplies goods manufactured by it or renders services, these goods and services will also form part of the CSR expenditure and will be duly valued and charged to the company's P&L a/c.

According to government sources, the financial statements of a company, including notes to the accounts and the director's reports, will help keep track of the CSR spending by India Inc. Currently, there is no penalty imposed for not complying with these norms — only a disclosure is required in the director's report.

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Trinity Care Foundation is a Non-Profit Organization, has the Trust registration, PAN, TAN, 12A, 80G, Professional tax and FCRA. It is registered with NITI Aayog, Government of India. It is National Health Mission Partner in Karnataka, India.

Contact Us to implement your company's Corporate Social responsibility/CSR Project:

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Source : Times of India News  |

Saturday, 16 May 2015

CSR Initiatives for Bosch India !

The School Health Program is defined as “the school procedures that contribute to the maintenance and improvement of the health of pupils and school personnel including health services, healthful living and health education”.

Medical Check-up is only the initial step in a great scheme of progress which involves the improvement of not only the physical but the mental and moral development of the children.

The CHDP { Child Health Development Project } project aims to improve children’s school attendance by addressing their health problems and improving basic health; School is considered as place for learning where children learn not only subjective knowledge but also life style practices and health seeking behaviors.

The health of young people is strongly linked to their academic success, and the academic success of youth is strongly linked with their health. Thus, helping students stay healthy is a fundamental part of the mission of schools. After all, schools cannot achieve their primary mission of education if students and staff are not healthy.

Health-related factors, such as hunger, chronic illness, or physical and emotional abuse, can lead to poor school performance. Health-risk behaviors such as substance use, violence, and physical inactivity are consistently linked to academic failure and often affect students' school attendance, grades, test scores, and ability to pay attention in class.

The good news is that school health programs and policies may be one of the most efficient means to prevent or reduce risk behaviors and prevent serious health problems among students. Effective school health policies and programs may also help close the educational achievement gap.
Trinity Care Foundation conducts Health Programs in synergy with Women & Child Welfare Department, Education Department and Health Department of Karnataka State, India.

Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR ) Health Initiatives with Bosch India.
Bosch India CSR Team along with Trinity Care Foundation Doctor's
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